Воспроизвести текст голосом онлайн на французском

Тут роботы озвучивают любой текст в речь с помощью нейросетей.

Ставьте паузу кнопкой или тегом <break time=»2000ms»/> в миллисекундах. Ударение знаком + перед гласной. Протестируйте в ознакомительных целях преобразование текста
в речь бесплатными токенами. Для полноты возможностей зарегистрируйтесь.

Примеры озвучки голосами и их настройки

Стоимость в токенах за 1000 символов.

Скорость озвучки. Доступно для всех голосов.

Ударение на слог. Доступно для всех голосов.

  • Carine

  • Claude

  • Jerome

  • Alain

  • Bernard

  • Yves

  • Dorian

  • Josephine

  • Emil

  • Brigitte

  • Celeste

  • Maurice

  • Céline

  • Eloise

  • Abelin

  • Margot

  • Louis

  • Yvette

  • Donat

  • Baldric

  • Mathieu

  • Fifi

  • Rémi plus

  • Coralie

  • Edelin

  • Iren

  • Jacqueline

  • Juliette

  • Léa plus

  • Rosette

  • Gaultier

  • Cecil

  • Léa

  • Lillian

Французский язык является официальным языком во Франции, Канаде, Швейцарии, Бельгии и некоторых других странах. Благодаря своей истории и культурному влиянию, он считается одним из самых важных языков в мире. 321 миллион человек говорят по-французски, 80 миллионов человек являются носителями языка.

Среди особенностей французского можно отметить его уникальную грамматику, фонетику и произношение. Особое внимание приходится на использование назальных звуков и специфические гласные. Всего в языке присутствует четыре назальных гласных, и их правильное произношение может быть сложной задачей для носителей других языков. Назальные гласные образуются путем позволения воздуху проходить через носовую полость во время артикуляции, что придает им специфический звук.

Еще одной характерной особенностью является наличие в французском языке так называемого «мягкого г». Этот звук, который появляется перед фронтальными гласными и часто обозначается в письменной форме как ‘g’, имеет звук, схожий с ‘ж’ в русском языке.

Фонетика также отличается своим использованием непроизносимых конечных согласных. Большинство слов в французском языке имеют «тихую» или непроизносимую последнюю букву, что может затруднить понимание для носителей других языков.

Синтез речи учитывает все эти особенности. Звукограм, используя передовые технологии искусственного интеллекта, генерирует естественную и плавную речь на французском языке. Алгоритмы точно воспроизводят все нюансы произношения.


© 2020 — 2024 TTSFree. All rights reserved.

Avez-vous besoin d’une solution facile et complète pour le texte en parole français? Créer un site Web à l’épreuve avec pas de flash ou de plugins, NO par les coûts de mots, texte illimité à la parole!

Français (France) — French Text to Speech voices

There are 35 French (France) voices, including male and female. To listen to the voice demo, click the «Play» icon.

Alain, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-AlainNeural


Brigitte, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-BrigitteNeural


Celeste, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-CelesteNeural


Claude, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-ClaudeNeural


Coralie, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-CoralieNeural


Denise, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-DeniseNeural


Eloise, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-EloiseNeural


Henri, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-HenriNeural


Jacqueline, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-JacquelineNeural


Jerome, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-JeromeNeural


Josephine, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-JosephineNeural


Maurice, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-MauriceNeural


Yves, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-YvesNeural


Yvette, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-YvetteNeural


Wavenet-A, Female Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Wavenet-A


Wavenet-B, Male Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Wavenet-B


Wavenet-C, Female Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Wavenet-C


Wavenet-D, Male Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Wavenet-D


Wavenet-E, Female Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Wavenet-E


Polyglot-1, Male Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Polyglot-1


Standard-A, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-A


Standard-A, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-A


Standard-B, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-B


Standard-B, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-B


Standard-C, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-C


Standard-C, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-C


Standard-D, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-D


Standard-D, Male

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-D


Standard-E, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-E


Standard-E, Female

voiceID: fr-FR-Standard-E


Neural2-A, Female Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Neural2-A


Neural2-B, Male Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Neural2-B


Neural2-C, Female Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Neural2-C


Neural2-D, Male Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Neural2-D


Neural2-E, Female Premium

voiceID: fr-FR-Neural2-E


Text-to-speech additional regional language versions

To see more other regional text-to-speech, see the pages below:

Easy way to free text-to-speech for French (TTS)

Juste 3 étapes ci-dessous, rapide et simple pour convertir du texte en parole (TTS) gratuitement.

Saisie de la synthèse vocale

Personnalisez votre discours avec les commandes de hauteur et de vitesse de la voix. Rendez votre discours plus rapide ou plus lent, prenez le contrôle du volume de la voix.

Select LANGUAGE & Voice

Sélectionnez la langue et le lecteur dont vous avez besoin pour convertir du texte en mp3. Ajustez le volume, la vitesse de la voix, à votre guise

Convertir et télécharger des MP3

Le processus de conversion de texte en parole est très rapide, le résultat sera au format mp3. Vous pouvez commencer à télécharger pour votre travail.

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French (France) Text to Speech
TTSFree.com est un site Web de synthèse vocale en ligne GRATUIT (TTS Free) basé sur la technologie de l’IA. Nous avons plus de 200 voix d’IA standard et des voix naturelles de type humain, dans plus de 50 langues à travers le monde. Vous pouvez utiliser notre voix pour votre travail, ainsi que créer vos propres vidéos que vous pouvez placer sur Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram ou des sites Web personnels. Le TTS gratuit utilise l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et l’apprentissage automatique (ML), les technologies de pointe de Google et Microsoft, nous permettant de repousser les limites et de créer un texte-parole très humain comme des sons personnalisables, la vitesse de la voix, la hauteur, le volume , mettre en pause, ajouter de l’emphase, du format audio et des paramètres de profil audio

Qu’est-ce que TTS?

TTS est l’abréviation de Text to Speech, une technologie de synthèse vocale. Il a différentes applications, gratuites et payantes. Il peut être utilisé pour créer une voix off pour des vidéos, convertir des documents texte en voix ou aider les personnes ayant des problèmes de vision à «lire» le texte.

Quelle est la meilleure synthèse vocale gratuite (logiciels, applications)?

Des applications de texte en parole gratuites pour convertir n’importe quel texte en audio.)?
Le meilleur logiciel de synthèse vocale gratuit a de nombreux cas d’utilisation dans votre vie informatique.
Le meilleur programme ou logiciel de synthèse vocale gratuit peut convertir votre texte en voix / parole en quelques secondes seulement. Nous vous suggérons quelques listes des meilleurs text-to-speech gratuits qui fournissent un son naturel pour votre projet.

  • #1 TTSFree.com
  • #2 Fromtexttospeech
  • #3 Natural Reader
  • #4 Google Text-to-Speech
  • #5 Microsoft Azure Cognitive
  • #6 Notevibes
Meilleur synthèse vocale AI:

Nous utilisons la meilleure IA de Google Cloud, Microsoft, Amazon Polly, Watson IBM Cloud et plusieurs autres sources

TTSFree.com est un service gratuit de conversion de texte en service vocal?

Oui, du texte libre à la parole!

Fournissez le service TTS gratuit de la plus haute qualité sur Internet. Texte secret à la parole, fichier MP3. Vous pouvez l’écouter ou le télécharger. Prend en charge l’anglais, le français, l’allemand, le japonais, l’espagnol, le vietnamien … plusieurs langues.

Outre le plan gratuit, nous avons des forfaits payants avec des fonctionnalités avancées, des limites accrues et la meilleure qualité de voix.

Comment fonctionnent les programmes de synthèse vocale?

La plupart des outils de synthèse vocale fonctionnent de la même manière. Vous devez taper le texte que vous souhaitez convertir en voix ou télécharger un fichier texte. Ensuite, vous devez sélectionner les voix disponibles et prévisualiser l’audio. Une fois que vous avez trouvé la voix la plus appropriée, vous pouvez télécharger le fichier mp3.

Prise en charge du langage de balisage de synthèse vocale (SSML)?

Prise en charge complète de SSML. Vous pouvez envoyer le langage de balisage de synthèse vocale (SSML) dans votre demande de synthèse vocale pour permettre une plus grande personnalisation de votre réponse audio en fournissant des détails sur les pauses et le formatage audio pour les acronymes, les dates, les heures, les abréviations, les adresses ou le texte qui devrait être censuré. Voir le Speech-to-Text Tutoriel SSML pour plus d’informations et des exemples de code.

Easily convert text to speech in Metropolitan French, and 90 more languages. Try our Metropolitan French text to speech free online. No registration required.

Create Audio

Use our French text to speech voices to easily create voiceovers and narration for the Francophone market. Narakeet has the best French text to speech voices online. Turn French text to speech to MP3 files or MP4 videos online, or use Narakeet as a French text to speech converter for your articles and audiobooks.

Natural reader French TTS voices provided by Narakeet are lifelike, realistic, and based on AI technology to help you create amazing audio using French accent voice generators in minutes, much faster than recording the audio yourself. With French pronunciation generators in many regional accents, you can easily read French text out loud, and make French text to speech content such as French voice over for videos, text to speech French narration.

French pronunciation generator

Narakeet has 25 Metropolitan French text to speech male and female voices, and many more in other regional French variants.
Play the video below (with sound) for a quick demo.

Sorry, your browser doesn’t support embedded videos. Watch the video here.

Text To Speech French Voices

Narakeet makes it easy to create videos and audio files with life-like audio from text.

Get started with Metropolitan French text to speech free.

Select from one of our text-to-speech Metropolitan French male and female voices below, and enter some text to create the audio.

In addition to these voices, Narakeet has 700 text-to-speech voices in 90 languages.

For more options (uploading Word documents, voice speed/volume controls, working with Powerpoint files or Markdown scripts), check out our Tools.

Additional French Text to Speech voices

For more regional French text-to-speech variants, check out the following pages:

  • Canadian French text to speech voices
  • Belgian French text to speech voices
  • Swiss French text to speech voices

French accent generator

Turn French voice over scripts easily into audio files or video clips with Narakeet. Here are just some of the creative things you can make in minutes, without having to hire French voice talent.

  • Text to speech Français language lessons
  • French audiobooks with text
  • Text to Speech French accent YouTube videos
  • French TTS audio content
  • Text to Speech French MP3 files
  • French pronunciation text to speech MP4 videos
  • Text to speech robot French audio files
  • French accent text to speech video clips
  • Text to speech French online explainer videos
  • French pronunciation online text to speech
  • Text reader French audio versions of blog posts
  • TTS French audio files
  • Text to voice French help files
  • Text to speech Français pronunciation
  • Read French text online while learning the language using a French accent voice generator
  • Text to French speech dubbing
  • French voice over scripts with a French narrator voice generator

The media on this page includes images and videos by Andrey Zvyagintsev, Anthony DELANOIX, Toa Heftiba, Alrick Gillard, Justin Essah, Yoann Boyer, Tom Prejeant, Ulysse Pointcheval, Arthur Savary, christopher lemercier, Laura Chouette, Leilani Angel, Etty Fidele, Taofeek Obafemi-Babatunde, christopher lemercier, Thibaut Burckel, Ali Pazani, Ussama Azam, Allef Vinicius, Ramy Kabalan, Austin Distel, bruce mars, Prince Akachi, Alex Suprun, Caroline Hernandez Etienne Boulanger, Pierre Cointe on Unsplash

На этой странице вы найдете ссылки на интернет-сайты со встроенными синтезаторами речи, — т.е. автоматическими программами для чтения французского текста голосом. Подобные программы иногда называют голосовыми движками. Пройдя по ссылке, на этих сайтах вы увидите окно, куда можно скопировать текст на французском языке, — синтезатор речи прочитает этот текст голосом близким к человеческому.

В каких случаях автоматический синтез речи может вам помочь в изучении французского языка? Например, вам нужно научиться понимать на слух научную речь на французском языке. Найти подобные аудиоматериалы в интернете довольно сложно — гораздо проще скопировать французский текст нужной тематики в программу и преобразовать его в аудиофайл (некоторые сайты позволяют скачать результат в формате mp3). Таким образом вы сможете практиковать понимание на слух французской речи в нужной вам области.

Если вы хотите порекомендовать какой-то онлайн-ресурс для изучения французского, см. инструкцию здесь.

  • EasyPronunciation.com – Переводчик французского текста в транскрипцию с поддержкой синтеза речи
  • www.acapela-group.com – Acapela — бесплатная онлайн-программа синтеза речи для французского языка. Синтез речи очень высокого качества. Есть мужские и женские голоса. Максимальный размер текста — 300 символов. Французский Франции и квебекский французский.
  • translate.google.com – Google Переводчик — бесплатный онлайн-переводчик с поддержкой синтеза речи для французского языка. Автоматически определяет язык. Может читать довольно длинные тексты на французском языке.
  • wizzardsoftware.com – AT&T Natural Voices — бесплатный синтезатор речи для французского языка онлайн. Синтез речи среднего качества. Максимальный размер текста — 300 символов. Женский и мужской голоса. Есть также квебекский французский.
  • www.linguatec.de – Linguatec — бесплатный синтезатор речи для французского языка онлайн. Синтез речи среднего качества. Максимальный размер текста — 250 символов. Французский Франции и Квебека.
  • text-to-speech.imtranslator.net – imTranslator.net — бесплатные голосовые движки для французского языка онлайн. Синтез речи нормального качества. Максимальный размер текста — 1000 символов.

The magic is loading…

Select Speed

⚡️110% productivity boost

  • Speed Reader
  • Faster
  • Average
  • Slower
  • 4.5x(900 WPM)
  • 3.0x(600 WPM)
  • 1.5x(300 WPM)
  • 1.0x(200 WPM)


Tapez, collez et modifiez du texte ici pour le convertir en parole. Vous pouvez également glisser-déposer votre fichier Word, texte ou PDF après avoir créé un compte. Speechify est le premier logiciel de synthèse vocale qui transforme n’importe quel texte écrit en mots prononcés dans une langue à la sonorité naturelle. Speechify est également l’application de synthèse vocale la mieux notée de l’App Store avec plus de 150 000 commentaires. Speechify propose plus de 100 voix de synthèse vocale réalistes avec prise en charge multilingue, y compris des voix sous licence exclusive de Snoop Dogg et Gwyneth Paltrow. Speechify vous aide à améliorer votre concentration, à lire plus vite et à mieux mémoriser ce que vous lisez. Avec Speechify, la lecture n’est plus un obstacle. Speechify rend également la lecture beaucoup plus agréable et efficace. Il est facile de comprendre pourquoi des millions de personnes à travers le monde font confiance à Speechify pour enrichir leur vie. Emportez Speechify partout avec vous. Utilisez l’éditeur de texte en ligne, l’extension Google Chrome, l’application web iOS, l’application Mac Desktop ou notre application Android. Découvrez comment Speechify peut vous donner des superpouvoirs. Téléchargez ou tapez quelque chose pour commencer, gratuitement !

Use our online French text to speech if you are in France or wherever in the world you are and speak French. Speechify has the most natural, native-sounding French voices. Try pasting your content, or typing it in and then choose male or female French voice and begin listening.

Optionally, you can download your French text to speech as an MP3 or other format.

French Text to Speech Features

Ditch robotic voices for Speechify’s native-sounding French text to speech.

Text to Speech in these French Voices

The most realistic French TTS voices only on the best text to speech app.

  • Snoop Dogg

    Snoop Dogg

  • Gwyneth Paltrow

    Gwyneth Paltrow

  • Mr. Beast - Speechify

    Mr. Beast

  • John - Speechify


  • Henry


  • Erica


Try French Text to Speech in these Popular Voices

The most realistic French TTS voices only on the best text to speech app.

French Text to Speech Apps & Extensions

Turn any French  text into natural sounding audio instantly in your browser, smartphone, or Mac


What is French Text to Speech Section

French Text to speech, also known as TTS, read aloud, or even speech synthesis. It simply means using artificial intelligence to read words aloud be; it from a PDF, email, docs, or any website. There isn’t a voice artist recording phrases or words, or even the entire article. Speech generation is done on-the-fly, in real time, with natural sounding AI voices.

And that’s the beauty of it all. You don’t have to wait. You simply press play and artificial intelligence makes the words come alive instantly, in a very natural sounding voice. You can change voices and accents across multiple languages.

I used to hate school because I’d spend hours just trying to read the assignments. Listening has been totally life changing. This app saved my education.

Ana, student with dyslexia

Speechify has made my editing so much faster and easier when I’m writing. I can hear an error and fix it right away. Now I can’t write without it.

Daniel, writer

Speechify makes reading so much easier. English is my second language and listening while I follow along in a book has seriously improved my skills.

Lou, avid reader

More Text to Speech Features You’ll Love

🚀 Official celeb voices Snoop Dogg & Gwyneth Paltrow official and exclusive voices with more celebrity voices to come.
✅ Listen at any speed Our high-quality AI voices can read up to 9x faster than the average reading speed, so you can learn even more in less time. While it isn’t easy to listen to 900 words per minute, but who are we to limit what you are capable of? Most other text to speech readers do go that fast. Try us out today. Ease into 380 words per minute and train your ears to listen faster and slowly increase the speed to as fast as you need it to be.
🚀 Listen on desktop or mobile devices Anything you’ve saved to your Speechify library instantly syncs across devices so you can listen to anything, anywhere, anytime.
✅ Natural-sounding human voices Our reading voices sound more fluid and human-like than any other AI reader so you can understand and remember more.
🚀 Multi lingual and high quality natural sounding voices Enjoy high-fidelity speech in 30+ languages with multiple voices. Some of the languages available are Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, & Ukrainian.
✅ Free audio file download With our free text to speech online converter you can type, paste, or even upload a file and convert it to speech. You can then download it as an audio file to use as a voice over or for any other applications. The premium subscritption to Speechify offers HD voices and even official celebrity voices such as Snoop Dog & Gwyneth Paltrow.
🚀 Document upload Have a large document you need converted to speech? No problem. Just upload it to our online text to speech app and get it converted to text within seconds. Try it in the demo, now!

Speechify text to speech online reviews

Kate Marfori

Product Manager at The Star Tribune

With Speechify’s API, we can offer our users a new and accessible way to consume our content. We’ve seen that readers who choose to listen to articles with Speechify are on average 20% more engaged than users who choose not to listen.

Susy Botello

Thanks for sharing this.I love this feature. I just tweeted at you on how much I like it. The voice is great and not at all like the text-to-speech I am used to listening to. I am a podcaster and I think this will help a lot of people multitask a bit, especially if they are interrupted with incoming emails or whatever. You can read-along but continue reading if your eyes need to go elsewhere. Hope you keep this. It’s already in other web publications. I also see it in some news sites. So I think it could become a standard that readers expect when they read online. Can I vote twice?

Renato Vargas

I just started using Medium more and I absolutely love this feature. I’ve listened to my own stories and the Al does the inflections just as I would. Many complain that they can’t read their own stories, but let’s be honest. How many stories would go without an audio version if you had to do all of them yourself? I certainly appreciate it. Thanks for this!!

Dawn 🙂

Oh! How cool – I love it 🙂 The voice is surprisingly natural sounding! My eyes took a much appreciated rest for a bit. I’ve been a long time subscriber to Audible on Amazon. I think this is Great 🙂 Thank you!

Paola Rios Schaaf

Super excited about this! We are all spending too much time staring at our screens. Using another sense to take in the great content at Medium is awesome.


Hi Warren, I am one of those small, randomly selected people, and I ABSOLUTELY love this feature. I have consumed more ideas than I ever have on Medium. And also as a non-native English speaker, this is really helping me to improve my pronunciation. Keep this forevermore! Love, Ananya:)


This is the single most important feature you can role out for me. I simply don’t have the time to read all the articles I would like to on Medium. If I could listen to the articles I could consume at least 3X the amount of Medium content I do now.

Andrew Picken

Love this feature Warren. I use it when I’m reading, helps me churn through reading and also stay focused on the article (at a good speed) when my willpower is low! Keeping me more engaged..

Nic E.

I was THRILLED the other day when I saw the audio option. I didn’t know how it got there, but I pressed play, and then I was blown away hearing the words that I wrote being narrated

Neeramitra Reddy

LOVE THISSS. As someone who loves audio almost as much as reading, this is absolute gold

What is French text to speech (TTS)?

Text-to-speech goes by a few names. Some refer to it as TTS, read aloud, or even speech synthesis; for the more engineered name. Today, it simply means using artificial intelligence to read words aloud be; it from a PDF, email, docs, or any website. Instantly turn text into audio. Listen in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, or more and choose your accent and character to personalize your experience.

How does French AI text to speech work?

Beautifully. French Speech synthesis works by installing an app like Speechify either on your device or as a browser extension. AI scans the French words on the page and reads it out loud, without any lag. You can change the default voice to a custom voice, change accents, languages, and even increase or decrease the speaking rate.

AI has made significant progress in synthesizing voices. It can pick up on formatted text and change tone accordingly. Gone are the days where the voices sounded robotic. Speechify is revolutionizing that.

Once you install the TTS mobile app, you can easily convert French text to speech from any website within your browser, read aloud your email, and more. If you install it as a browser extension, you can do just the same on your laptop. The web version is OS agnostic. Mac or Windows, no problem.

What is the French text-to-speech service?

A French text-to-speech service is a tool, like Speechify text to speech, that transforms your written French words into spoken words. Imagine typing out a message in French and having it read out loud by a digital voice – that’s what TTS services, like Speechify TTS do.

What are the benefits of French text to speech?

French TTS technology offers many benefits, like helping those with reading difficulties, providing rest for your eyes, multitasking by listening to content, improving pronunciation and language learning, and making content accessible to a wider audience.

How is Speechify TTS better than Murf AI text to speech, Google Voice, or TTSReader?

Speechify French TTS stands out by offering a more natural and human-like voice quality, a wider range of customization options, and user-friendly integration across devices. Plus, our dedication to accessibility means that we ensure a seamless and inclusive experience for all French users.

Can I convert French text to speech to mp3 or other file formats?

Yes, with Speechify’s Voice Over and other AI Studio products you can convert text into different audio file formats like mp3, WAV or AAC, depending on your needs. These files can be used for different reasons like, voiceovers for videos, announcements for public address systems, eLearning modules, interactive voice response (IVR) systems for customer service, podcast episodes, and much more.

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