Плюсы и минусы иметь брата или сестру на английском

Гулия Катаева

12-01-2012 03:10

There are many opinions aboutit — which is better: to have siblings or to be the only child. Speaking personally, I think that having a sister or a brother is very cool.I have got a sister. Her name is Kate and she is a very funny and kind girl. You have many advantages and benefits if you have a sister. As for our family, I can say the following.Firstly we do a lot of activities together: we play games, dance, watch TV, have fun and even do homework. Kate and I don`t feel upset and bored when we are doing something together.Moreover she is a good listener. We can speak about different things. Besides, we don`t fight about a telephone, a computer or a TV. We get on well with each other. Everybody says that we are different and we don`t look like each other but it doesn’t prevent us to have a good time because we complement each other.However, we don’t manage to communicate without quarrels and insults. I think it`s usual for all sisters and brothers. But, fortunately, it doesn’t happen often and if it does — only for a short while.I don`t imagine my life without my sister. She makes me feel happy and very emotional. I think I would be lonely without her.Переклад:Существует много мнений о том, что лучше: иметь братьев и сестер или быть единственным ребенком. Лично говоря, я думаю, что иметь брата или сестру — это классно.У меня есть сестра. Ее зовут Катя, и она очень забавная и добрая девочка. Если у вас есть сестра, вы имеете много преимуществ и плюсов. Что касается нашей семьи, я могу сказать следующее.Во-первых, мы делаем много дел вместе: мы играем, танцуем, смотрим телевизор, веселимся и даже делаем домашнюю работу. Катя и я никогда не расстраиваемся и никогда не скучаем, когда мы делаем что-то сообща.Более того, она очень хороший слушатель. Мы можем говорить о различных вещах. Кроме того, мы не деремся из-за телефона, компьютера или телевизора. Мы хорошо ладим друг с другом. Все говорят, что мы разные и не похожи друг на друга, но это не мешает нам хорошо проводить время, потому, что мы дополняем друг друга.Однако нам не удается общаться совсем без ссор и оскорблений. Я думаю это обычное явление для братьев и сестер. Но, к счастью, это не случается часто, а, если и случается, то только на короткое время.Я не представляю свою жизнь без сестры. Она делает меня счастливой и эмоциональной. Я думаю, мне было бы одиноко без нее.

В топике Братья и сестры — я хочу рассказать, как хорошо, когда у тебя есть самые родные люди, готовые поддержать в любую минуту. Часто в детстве, у детей в семье бывают конфликты между собой, по разным причинам: они делят игрушки, родителей, не могут жить в одной комнате, стараются превзойти в чем-то своих братьев, сестер и т.д. Я привожу три основные черты характера, которые стоит воспитать у своих детей, это – способность общаться, уважение к другим людям и способность слушать и понимать других людей. Я подробно описываю, как можно привить такие черты характера. Особенно важно, чтобы дети в семье учились на примере своих родителей, поэтому, воспитание достойного человека – это, действительно, тяжелый труд. Конечно, родители должны иметь высокий авторитет в семье, что можно достичь только через доверие. Иметь брата или сестру – это значит, что ты никогда не будешь в одиночестве, и рядом с тобой всегда будут самые близкие люди.

Have you got a brother or a sister? I have a younger brother and I think it’s wonderful! I have a person who is very close to me and who will always help and support me in difficult situations.

However, when children are young, there may occur jealousy, competition and fighting between brothers and sisters. It is a concern of almost all parents having two or more kids. The problem usually starts when the second child is born.

Conflicts between brothers and sisters may be caused by the following reasons:
Children want to show that they are separate from their siblings. Fearing that a brother or a sister is better at anything, they try to find out their own talents, activities and interests.
Sometimes children think that mum or dad loves their sibling more, they feel that another child gets more attention.
Children can’t share a room, their parents, toys, etc.

There are three main skills that parents should teach their children in order they could get along well together. They are: communication, respect and negotiation.
Communication. It means that children should learn to listen attentively to each other. Use family meetings to talk about things that concern everyone. At such meetings nobody should shout and everyone should have a chance to express his or her opinion.
Respect. Try to explain to your children that if they want people to treat them nicely, they have to treat them nicely, too. People who treat each other with respect, get along together much better than those who are rude, loud and selfish. Parents can also give examples of their own life so that children could understand better the necessity of being respectful.
Negotiation. Your child should keep in mind that whether he is younger or older, taller or shorter than other children, it does not give him any more rights than the others in the family have. It demands a lot of time and effort to teach the child the skill of negotiating, but it’s a must for every parent. You should be fair with your children and try to find a solution which will satisfy each of them.

Parents should have a certain power in the family. However, this power can be reached only through trusting. If your children don’t trust you, it’s impossible to achieve anything but fear and contempt.

Finally, it’s necessary to say that children shouldn’t be compared to one another at all. They are individuals and are waiting for the appropriate attitude. Bringing up children is a huge responsibility, but don’t be afraid of it. Your heart will prompt you what to do.

To have a brother or a sister means to be never alone. From time to time children get sick of one another, but it is quite natural. The main thing is they’ll have a close person throughout their life.

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напишите пожалуйста плюсы и минусы иметь сестру на английском всего несколько примеров

Светило науки — 14 ответов — 203 помощи

• Younger sister::+ You can tell that she is to blame+ If you are angry then you can throw at her anger+ You can sneak a piece of chocolatecons:- She complains to  mother- You’re fighting for TV, computer.- Do not make her do something

Светило науки — 27 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

The most common question about siblings is about their pros and cons( плюсы и минусы) from the point of a child.
-There is always a person, who understands you better because they are from your generation
-You can ask for advice if it is older sister
— You  can distract yourself from daily routines by helping your sister.
— You can have a lot of fun together
— You have to share the flat and the parents’ attention… Everything.
-You  need to understand you sister and do not blame her when she is rude to you etc.
— You need to respect everything she likes.
As for me there are more pros than cons of having a sister.

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Nowadays a part of society considers that having many siblings is amazing. Although others are sure that it is better to be an only baby in a family. Anyway, I would like to look upon this question.

I personally think that it is adorable to be a part of a big family. Firstly, you always have a good company to do different things. You can have fun together all the time. Secondly, you would be supported in any case by your sisters and brothers. A person constantly learns how to be supportive in a big family. Consequently, the one gets an excellent background.

However, many people think in a different way. They say that having a lot of sisters and brothers is not good because parents cannot give all of their children a good education because of lack of money.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opponents’ point of view because in a big households there are adult children who is already earning money. It can be used as money for college for younger siblings.

To sum up, though there are two points of view on this problem. I think that it is always great to understand that you have siblings and at the same time you have really loyal and supportive friends. This is the reason why having sisters and brothers is good.

напишите пожалуйста плюсы и минусы иметь сестру на английском всего несколько примеров

Светило науки — 14 ответов — 203 помощи

• Younger sister::+ You can tell that she is to blame+ If you are angry then you can throw at her anger+ You can sneak a piece of chocolatecons:- She complains to  mother- You’re fighting for TV, computer.- Do not make her do something

Светило науки — 27 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

The most common question about siblings is about their pros and cons( плюсы и минусы) from the point of a child.
-There is always a person, who understands you better because they are from your generation
-You can ask for advice if it is older sister
— You  can distract yourself from daily routines by helping your sister.
— You can have a lot of fun together
— You have to share the flat and the parents’ attention… Everything.
-You  need to understand you sister and do not blame her when she is rude to you etc.
— You need to respect everything she likes.
As for me there are more pros than cons of having a sister.

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