Что написать на валентинке девушке на английском

Нужен язык для поступления?

В череде дедлайнов и бессонных ночей за учебниками легко забыть о личной жизни. А обучение за границей — это не только учеба и экзамены (хотя это, безусловно, в первую очередь), но еще и погружение в другую культуру — в том числе dating culture. И конечно, знакомства с новыми людьми. Если вы нашли свою любовь в зарубежном вузе и хотите в этот прекрасный праздник выразить ее в валентинке, наша подборка может оказаться очень кстати.

Итак, поехали, что написать в валентинке и как выразить любовь на английском.

Последние новости: Женщины доминируют в университетах Европы, но не на рынке труда

Для возлюбленных

Вы с замиранием сердца хотите признаться в чувствах? Или уже давно в отношениях и планируете напомнить партнеру, как много он / она для вас значит? А может быть все еще боитесь открыто сказать о влюбленности и хотите отправить анонимное послание?

Мы приготовили подборку разных выражений на (почти) все случаи жизни.

Фраза на английском Перевод
Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.

Я хочу, чтобы именно сегодня ты почувствовал(а), насколько сильно я тебя люблю и как я счастлив(а), что ты есть в моей жизни.

I’m so excited to be sharing our first Valentine’s Day together. I hope it’s the first of many…

Мне не терпится провести наш первый День Святого Валентина вместе. И надеюсь, что он будет первым из многих…

Love you to the Moon and back Люблю тебя до Луны и обратно
Love is too weak a word for what I feel for you. One life is too small a time to express how madly I am in love with you. Любовь — слишком слабое слово, чтобы описать, что я чувствую к тебе. Одна жизнь — слишком малый срок, чтобы выразить, как безумно я люблю тебя.
Whenever I think of you, my life seems brighter. You make me so happy that words cannot describe it. I want to be the man that gives you everything you could ever wish for. Каждый раз, когда я думаю о тебе, моя жизнь становится светлее. Ты делаешь меня таким (такой) счастливым (ой), что я даже не могу это выразить. Я хочу быть тем человеком, который подарит тебе все, о чем ты мечтаешь.
You’re my favorite person. You make every day better, and I’m so excited to be spending forever with you. Ты — мой любимый человек. Ты делаешь каждый мой день лучше, и я мечтаю провести с тобой всю свою жизнь.
The day we met, I looked into your eyes and I immediately knew that you were going to be my happily ever after! Happy Valentine’s Day my love! В день нашей встречи я взглянул в твои глаза и в ту же секунду понял(а), что тебе суждено стать моим «долго и счастливо»! С Днем Святого Валентина, любовь моя!

Если вы пока не встретили love of your life

Или вовсе ее не ищете…

Любовь многогранна, и в нашей жизни есть много разных людей, которым бы хотелось выразить теплые чувства в этот день.

Для друзей

Друзьям тоже нужно время от времени напоминать, что вы их цените. И здесь можно немного побыть ребенком и подурачиться. Особенно, если некоторые ваши друзья могут не понять внезапного наплыва чувств от вас. Так что мы подготовили разные варианты, чтобы вы могли подобрать самый подходящий.

Фраза на английском Перевод
I hope your day is filled with special moments and reminders of how much you are loved. Я надеюсь, этот день будет наполнен напоминаниями, как сильно тебя любят.
Thank you for being you. You are a wonderful person and a dear friend. Спасибо, что ты такой (такая), какой(ая) ты есть! Ты прекрасный человек и потрясающий друг (подруга)!
I love having you as a friend! Happy Valentine’s Day! Я счастлив (а), что у меня есть такой друг, как ты! С Днем Святого Валентина!
I want you to know that I think you’re the most beautiful person inside and out. Your friendship means a lot to me! Я хочу, чтобы ты знал (а), что я считаю тебя прекрасным человеком — как снаружи, таки внутри. Наш дружка очень много значит для меня!
In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips. Если жизнь — это печенье, то друзья — это кусочки шоколада в нем.
Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you! Выпьем же за День Святого Валентина, наполненный хорошим вином, вкусной едой и особенно такими отличными друзьями, как ты!
I love you so much that I can’t wait to annoy each other for the rest of our lives. Я очень тебя люблю, и надеюсь, что мы будем доставать / бесить / раздражать друг друга до конца наших дней!

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.

Любовь — это все, что тебе нужно. Но пара шоколадок время от времени тоже не повредит.

Для семьи

Иногда бывает сложно произнести эти простые, но очень важные слова родителям, братьям и сестрам. Если в обычные дни вы тоже испытываете такие трудности, используйте День Святого Валентина как предлог. Обнимите близких и скажите им, как сильно вы их любите и как они дороги для вас.

Это правда очень важно.

Фраза на английском Перевод
Dad, I hope you’re feeling really loved today. You are!

Папа, надеюсь, ты чувствуешь, как сильно мы тебя любим. Потому что это именно так!

Valentine’s Day is all about love, and Mom, I know what love is entirely because of you.

День Святого Валентина — это праздник любви. И я знаю, что такое любовь, благодаря тебе, Мама.

Valentine’s Day is about so much more than just love. It’s a time to value those who have always been there, just as you have always been for me when I needed you most.

День Святого Валентина — это про что-то большее, чем просто любовь. Это время, чтобы вспомнить о тех, кто всегда был рядом. Ты всегда был (а) со мной, когда мне это было нужно.

Dear Mom and Dad, your love has been the reason for me being a loving, caring and kind person because I have received these qualities from you two. Thanks for being so full of life and love!

Дорогие Мама и Папа, ваша любовь — это причина, по которой я стал (а) любящим и добрым человеком. Я унаследовал (а) эти качества от вас. Спасибо, что наполняли мою жизнь любовью.

You’re a cool sister. You have always been. You are so much more than just family. You’re also my best friend!

Ты — классная сестра! И всегда ею была. Ты для меня — нечто большее, чем просто семья. Ты моя лучшая подруга.

Маленький бонус — идиомы на английском связанные с любовью и отношениями

Идиома Значение
Happy ever after Долго и счастливо
To hit it off / Love at first sight Любовь с первого взгляда
To tie a knot (досл. «завязать узел») Пожениться
Puppy love (досл. «щенячья любовь» ) Юношеская любовь — обычно эту фразу используют для описания несерьезного чувства, быстро проходящей влюбленности
(Fall) Head over heels (досл. «голова над пятками» или «с ног на голову») Потерять голову от любви, влюбиться до безумия
Match made it heaven (досл. «союз, заключенный на небесах» ) Пара, которая идеально подходит друг другу
Carry a torch for somebody (досл. «нести для кого-то факел») Быть влюбленным в кого-то — однако сама фраза намекает на односторонние чувства (или означает, что предмет влюбленности еще не знает о ваших чувствах)
Wear your heart on your sleeve (досл. «носить сердце на рукаве») Выражать свои чувства открыто и честно

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Связанные статьи

Last updated: January 19, 2024

If you’re struggling with what to write in a Valentine’s Card to tell your special someone how much you love them, use our Valentine’s card sayings for inspiration. On this page, you’ll find 100 cute and romantic message ideas to help you write a sweet love note to your Valentine.

valentine card sayings love note mood image

Every year, lovers scratch their heads, wondering what to write in a Valentine’s Day card. Sometimes it’s hard to put your feelings into words and let someone know how you feel about them. But don’t panic! On this page, you’ll find a great collection of Valentine’s messages and ideas you can copy or use as inspiration to write a special note to your sweetheart.

Scroll down the page to see all our Valentine’s card sayings, or click on a link to jump to a particular section:

Short Sweet |
Wife / Girlfriend |
Husband / Boyfriend |
Friends |
Kids |
Funny |
Sayings & Quotes

What to write in a Valentine’s Card: Short & Sweet Messages

These short and sweet Valentine’s card sayings are perfect for a card or a text message to your special someone. You can use them alone or with a personal detail to remind them how much you love and care about them.

Happy Valentine’s Day to my favorite person on the planet!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend, my soul-mate, my everything. I love you.

Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life! I am so proud of all you do, and I am forever grateful for all that we share.

After all this time, you’re still incredible. Happy Valentine’s Day!

My best friend, my partner in crime, and the love of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day, babe.

You are my sunshine. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Walking down the aisle with you was incredible, but it’s even better to walk with you through life. Happy Valentine’s Day!

You are my everything. I love you today and always. Happy Valentine’s Day!

As you open this card, know that I love you more than all the stars in the sky. Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don’t believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.

When the world seems more beautiful, and life even more worth living, I find I’ve been thinking of you.

You are the one I want to grow old with. The one I want to watch the sunset with, the one I want to wake up next to every day for the rest of my life. You are my best friend, and I love you more every day.

I would rather be in your arms than anywhere else in the world. Happy Valentine’s Day my darling.

To: The love of my life
I’m so lucky to share each day with you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
From: Your not-so-secret admirer

Whatever comes our way, we’ve got this. We’re in this together. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

You are my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. I look forward to every day we spend together.

For my best friend, my lover, and my other half. I love you more than my heart can hold. Thank you for making every day a little brighter!

I hate these cards, but I’ll do it just for you! I hope you have the best Valentine’s Day ever. You deserve every star there is in the sky. :)

You’re my favorite person. My favorite thing to think about. My favorite sound to hear. You make every day better, and I’m so excited to be spending forever with you.

To the one who fills my days with joy and my heart with love, Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s to many more moments of laughter and love together.

On this special day, I just want you to know that you are the reason for my smiles and the melody in my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

valentine card sayings reminder you are my sunshine

Happy Valentine’s Day Messages for your Wife or Girlfriend

Whether you need a quick, romantic message or a longer heartfelt note, these example Valentine’s card sayings offer a starting point for writing your Valentine’s message to your wife or girlfriend. Writing tip! Try spicing up your message with shared hobbies, things you look forward to doing together, or anticipation for your Valentine’s Day plans.

Here’s to you, my sweet, wonderful wife. I love you more than anything in this world. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I can’t describe in words how much I love you. You are amazing. Happy Valentine’s Day my awesome, brilliant, beautiful, fantastic, and inspiring wife! Love you to the moon and back a million times over.

Babe, you are the love of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for all that you do.

You are my best friend in the whole world. You make me laugh, you make me smile, and you make me feel so very special. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my amazing wife! You’re not only my best friend but also an incredible mother. I’m so grateful for everything you do for our family. I love you so very much.

I never dreamed I would have found someone as amazing and beautiful as you. You are generous, kind-hearted, thoughtful — all my favorite things wrapped into one very special person. Love you, Valentine!

As a man of few words, I always struggle on Valentine’s Day to know just what to say. No words seem enough to describe how much I love you. You’re strong, confident, fun, and loving. I am so proud to call you my wife and have you by my side every day.

I love you from the bottom of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. You make me happier than I ever knew possible, and time moves too quickly whenever we’re together.

Happy Valentine’s Day, honey! I love all the adventures we have. But more than that, I enjoy all the time in between too, when there’s nothing to do but hang out with you.

To my wife, I love you more than words can say. Thank you for being by my side as we journey through life. It’s been a wonderful ride :). Happy Valentine’s Day!

To my darling Valentine, you’re so very beautiful and the most special person in my life. I’m so happy that we met, that we have created such a wonderful life together, and that we have been blessed with our adorable kids. Here’s to many more years of happiness together.

There’s no one like you in this world. No one else fills my heart with so much love. You are my best friend, the love of my life, and the only one I want to grow old with.

Whenever I think of you, my life seems brighter. You make me so happy that words cannot describe it. I want to be the man that gives you everything you could ever wish for. This Valentine’s Day, please take my heart.

As the most amazing, kind-hearted, and caring person I know, you inspire me to be better every day. Being around you makes me a better person. Happy Valentine’s to the love of my life.

My darling wife, you are everything I’ve ever wanted and more than I deserve. I’m ever grateful for your love. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I can’t believe how blessed I am to have you as my wife. I love you more than words could ever express. Happy Valentine’s Day!

To my beautiful wife/girlfriend, you are the love of my life and the light in my world. Happy Valentine’s Day! Grateful for every moment we share.

On this day of love, I want to express my deep gratitude for having you by my side. Happy Valentine’s Day, my dearest wife/girlfriend. You make every day brighter.

valentine card sayings how blessed i am to have you as my wife

Valentine’s Messages for your Husband or Boyfriend

Looking for Valentine’s card sayings for your husband or boyfriend? In this section, you’ll find a mix of short Valentine’s messages and longer, heartfelt notes you can use as a starting point to write your own personalized messages for your special guy.

My dear husband, my friend, my lover. How can I possibly express just how much I love you? You’re amazing in every way! Happy Valentine’s Day.

You are my world, the love of my life. You make me smile every single day. I couldn’t ask for a better husband or father for our children. I love you so much!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the most handsome, kind-hearted husband I could dream of. I love you!

The man of my dreams, the love of my life. I can’t wait to grow old with you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hey babe, you truly are my favorite person ever! I’m so glad we met. I adore spending time with you, talking to you, hearing from you… I never knew a person could be as happy as I am. Happy Valentine’s Day.

I love your laugh, your smile, and how you’ll answer any silly question I have without making me feel stupid. With you, I’m safe and secure. Between the two of us, no matter what, everything is going to be ok. Thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

To my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. I never thought I’d love anyone as much as I love you. Thanks for sticking with me through everything. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us. Happy Valentine’s Day!

You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you for being a gentleman. I love you baby! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my darling husband. We’ve had our ups and downs but they’ve only made us stronger. I love you with all of my heart.

To my wonderful husband whose smile makes my heart sing. With you, every day is magical. I love you so very much. Happy Valentine’s Day!

You are my everything. My world, my heart, my soul, and all that I am. I just want to hold you close and never let you go. I am always thinking of you, wondering how I got so lucky. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my dearest friend, my handsome lover, and the father of my children. Thank you for filling my life with joy.

As we grow older, I want you to know how much you mean to me. We have been through so much together, but each moment has helped me realize how special you are. You bring so much love and joy to my life and I am thankful for you every day. Happy Valentine’s Day!

My sweet Valentine, you are my best friend and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for all the wonderful memories we’ve made together, I can’t wait to make many more with you! Happy Valentine’s Day!

To my amazing husband/boyfriend, Happy Valentine’s Day! Your love is my greatest gift, and I cherish every moment we spend together. Here’s to many more adventures and shared dreams.

On this special day, I want to remind you of the love that grows stronger with each passing day. Happy Valentine’s Day, my incredible husband/boyfriend.

valentine card sayings wonderful husband makes my heart sing

Happy Valentine’s Day Card Sayings for your Friends

Sometimes, on Valentine’s Day, we want to let our closest friends know just how much we care about them, too. Here are some sweet Valentine’s messages and quotes you could write in a note card to a close friend to wish them a Happy Valentine’s Day.

I hope your day is filled with special moments and reminders of how much you are loved. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to one of my favorite people and dearest friends.

Sending lots of love to you on Valentine’s Day my sweet friend!

Thank you for being you. You are a wonderful person and a dear friend. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love having you as a friend! Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love you pal! I really value our friendship and want you to know how special you are to me. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I just wanted to let you know how much I love and care for you. You are amazing and I’m so glad we’re friends! I will always be here for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I want you to know that I think you’re the most beautiful person inside and out. Your friendship means a lot to me! Happy Valentine’s Day!

My life wouldn’t be nearly as fun and interesting without you! Thanks for being my best buddy! Love you lots!

You’re an amazing friend, I love you very much! Happy Valentine’s Day!

In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.

~ Salman Rushdie

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.

~ Proverbs 27:9

True friends are always together in spirit.
~ L. M. Montgomery

Happy Valentine’s Day, dear friend! Your friendship is a constant source of joy and laughter in my life.

On this day of love, I want to celebrate our amazing friendship. Happy Valentine’s Day!

valentine card sayings one of my favorite people and dearest friends

Happy Valentine’s Messages & Card Sayings for Kids

Here are some super sweet Valentine’s messages and card ideas for your cute little Valentine!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest kid on the block!

Hope your day is as sweet as you are! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to one sweet kid!

Thank you for filling our life with so much love! Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m so blessed to have a daughter/son like you! You make me smile every day, and I love your beautiful heart and sense of humor. Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

Happy Valentine’s Day to our sweet little daughter/son. We hope you have a wonderful day, full of fun and treats!

Love you to the moon and back a million times over. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I feel so thankful and blessed to be your mommy, and I love you more than words can say. Have a great day today!

You are the best son a parent could ever ask for. We will never stop being proud of you no matter how much you grow up. Happy Valentine’s Day buddy. We love you.

You’re our sweet little prince/princess and we love you so much. May all your wishes come true on this day of hearts. Happy Valentine’s Day!

You are the most amazing son/daughter I could ever ask for. You make me so proud to be a mommy! Thank you for bringing so much joy to my life every day. Happy Valentine’s Day!

You are the sweetest, cutest, and most beautiful daughter a mommy could ask for. I love your smile, your laugh, your eyes that light up every time I say hi. Have the best Valentine’s Day ever. I love you, sweetheart!

I hope you have a great Valentine’s Day. I love you with all my heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day, little one! May your day be filled with sweet surprises, laughter, and lots of love.

To my favorite little Valentine, you bring so much love and happiness into our lives. Happy Valentine’s Day, kiddo! Here’s to a day as special as you are.

valentine card sayings hope your day is as sweet as you are

What to Write in a Valentine’s Day Card: Funny Valentine Sayings

Some couples take the romance of Valentine’s Day very seriously. Others, though, like to have a laugh about it. These funny Valentine’s Day sayings are great to acknowledge the humor of everyday love with your significant other and friends.

I’m going to spend Valentine’s Day with my true love… wine [or write in another hobby: «food», «games», «movies», etc].

I’m so glad to spend every day with you, so that I can have some backup tomorrow when it’s time to buy up the discount chocolate. Happy Valentine’s Day, partner in crime!

I usually dislike everything about Valentine’s Day. But I dislike it a little less when I get to spend it with you.

I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were just as mad as me! Happy Valentine’s to the crazy, perfect love of my life.

I love you so much that I can’t wait to annoy each other for the rest of our lives.

Congrats on taking me out for another Valentine’s Day date. You’re so lucky to have me!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my [wife / husband] who’s just as hot as the day we married. I’m thinking this should be one of those get-the-kids-to-bed-early nights, if you know what I mean…

They say love is blind. But me? I love everything about you. You’re so sweet and thoughtful, witty, smart, and also stubborn, inflexible, vain, slightly arrogant sometimes, always right even when you’re wrong… Should I go on? Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my truest love!

Valentine, just a few words to tell you how I love you. I have loved you since the first day I saw you. Whenever that was.
~ Charles M. Schulz

Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember, if love is a crime, we’re both serving a life sentence. Cheers to our happily-ever-after behind bars!

Roses are red, violets are blue, I bought this card because I love you. Also, because I forgot it was Valentine’s Day.

valentine card sayings annoy each other for the rest of our lives

Happy Valentine’s Day Card Sayings & Quotes

Here are some beautifully romantic Valentine’s card sayings and quotes you can use as part of a Valentine’s message to your special someone. Send them as a text message, or include them in a greeting card to your Valentine to let them know how much you love and care about them.

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden.
~ Claudia Adrienne Grandi

Each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow.
~ Rosemonde Gerard

Other men said they have seen angels, But I have seen thee, and thou art enough.
~ George Moore

If the only place where I could see you was in my dreams, I’d sleep forever.
~ Anon.

You are the sun in my day,
the wind
in my sky,
the waves
in my ocean,
and the beat
in my heart.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
~ Herman Hesse

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
~ Samuel Lover

A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
~ Anon.

My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.
~ Ibn Abbad

Love is friendship set on fire and you are my spark.
~ French love saying

I discovered true happiness the day you walked into my life.
~ French love saying.

It was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
~ Judy Garland

I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
‘Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old.
~ William Shakespeare

I love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.
I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me.
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
~ Roy Croft

I love two things, you and the rose. The rose for one day, and you forever.
~ Anon.

It’s a rainy day when you’re not around.
~ Anon.

If you love them in the morning with their eyes full of crust; if you love them at night with their hair full of rollers, chances are, you’re in love.
~ Miles Davis

Love is being stupid together.
~ Paul Valery

valentine card sayings you are the sun in my day

Free Printable Valentine’s Cards

We hope you found some Valentine messages and card sayings for your own Happy Valentine’s Day card! If you’re looking for a sweet greeting card to write your message in, do take a look at our enormous collection of gorgeous printable Valentine cards, all completely free to download in beautiful high-resolution PDF format. Perfect for saving you time and money while you spread some Valentine’s Day love!

free printable valentine cards

Looking for more Valentine’s Messages?

If you’re looking for more Valentine’s messages and sayings, then do take a look at our love quotes and romantic wishes pages:

Happy Valentine’s Day Messages

Valentine’s Day Wishes for Friends

Love Quotes for Him

Love Quotes for Her

Love Poems for Him

Love Poems for Her

Love Messages

Love Messages for Him

Love Messages for Her

Good Morning Messages for Him

Good Morning Messages for Her

Love Letters for Him

Love Letters for Her

Paragraphs for Her

Love Poems

Short Love Quotes

Valentine’s Day Quotes

Cute Boyfriend Quotes

Valentine’s Day Images

Happy Anniversary Wishes

Anniversary Quotes

Anniversary Poems

Funny Love Quotes

Valentine's Day Card

Back in the day, when you had to come up with a valentine for everyone in your class, it was enough just to sign your name twenty times…and maybe tape on a heart-shaped sucker. You didn’t have to come up with a valentine message.

But now that you’re older and your valentine list is shorter, you can afford to take your time adding a meaningful personal message to your card. So you’ve already picked out that perfect Valentine’s Day card, but you need some ideas for what to write inside? You’re in the right place!

Just click on the category below to go straight to the valentine message ideas you need, or you can read the whole guide and mix and match to create a valentine message that’s uniquely you.

Once you’re settled on a valentine message, don’t hesitate to spread the love. However you choose to use it, we hope our guide adds a little fun and passion to your valentine signing—truly, endlessly and 4EVER!

  • Valentine messages for Spouse or Partner
  • Funny valentine messages
  • Valentine messages for Longtime Love
  • Valentine messages for Girlfriend
  • Valentine messages for Boyfriend
  • Valentine messages for New Relationship or Dating
  • Valentine messages for Fiance
  • Valentine messages for Friends
  • Valentine messages for Singles
  • Valentine messages for Kids
  • Valentine messages for Grandkids
  • Valentine messages for Family
  • Valentine messages for Tough Times
  • Valentine messages from a Pet
  • Warm closings

Find tips for crafting your own special Valentine message and get some real life examples and watch-outs from Hallmark senior Writer Cat Hollyer in the video below or skip straight to message ideas using the links above.

Valentine messages for Spouse or Partner

Looking for a little inspiration when it comes to what to write in a Valentine’s Day card to your wife? We’ve got that. What about a Valentine’s Day message for your husband? Yep, we have that, too. Want Valentine’s Day messages for your spouse or life partner? We’ve got you covered. These Valentine’s Day messages range from sweet to silly and everything in between, so you’re sure to find something that will make your favorite person smile.

  • It’s cool to be married to your best friend.
  • I like who I become when I’m with you.
  • Thanks for being my better half.
  • I’m so lucky to be the one loving you.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, Beautiful.
  • You’re the best, Babe.
  • Time goes by, but you’re just as gorgeous and exciting to me as the day we met.
  • I’d be so dang lost without you.
  • You’re my everything.
  • I love all the adventures we have together.
  • I get to wake up next to you each day. How cool is that??
  • Love doing life with you.
  • You’re the bright spot in my day, every day.
  • I love being with you no matter what we’re doing.
  • We’re so awesome together.
  • You make the world better.
  • You have no idea how sexy you are.
  • You take my breath away. Always.
  • Tonight is all ours. I can’t wait to celebrate with you. 
  • Has it really been [10] years? I’d do it all over in a heartbeat.
  • I hope no one tells you, but you’re out of my league.
  • I don’t deserve you. Thanks for being mine.
  • Did you see where I put your valentine? Oh, wait…here it is.
  • Still not sure how I convinced you to marry me, but so glad I did. 
  • Thanks for putting up with me. Love you!
  • I picked the best guy ever to share my life with.
  • We’ve shared a lot of Valentine’s Days, but it never gets boring loving you.
  • I love you more than ever.
  • Thanks for being my guy.
  • Valentine’s Day and every day you make me so happy.
  • You’re my cuddly, huggable rock.
  • You keep adding reasons why I’m glad I married you.
  • There’s no one I’d rather share a heart-shaped pizza with than you. 
  • I’m so glad I married my best friend.
  • This is getting serious!
  • There’s nothing more romantic than putting your dirty clothes in the hamper!
  • From your TV buddy—me.
  • Sweetness. Funniness. Hotness. Just HOW do you do it all?
  • Every time I look in your eyes, I fall all over again.
  • You make this life thing pretty awesome.
  • I love coming home to you.
  • I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful husband than you.
  • This will definitely be a kids-in-bed-early kind of night. 
  • God is good. I know because he gave me you to love.
  • Wishing the sweetest, happiest day to my forever Valentine.
  • You and I are such an awesome us.
  • Team Us is a very unbeatable team.
  • You’re my love, my best friend, my forever Valentine.
  • I’m so happy we’re a thing.
  • My heart belongs to you, now and always.
  • I’m so happy to be on Team Us.
  • Loving you is so much fun.
  • I would like all of your Valentine’s Days, please.
  • We’re the best together, aren’t we? (Yeah, we are.)
  • Thinking about you still makes my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. 
  • We’re the best couple I know.
  • Here’s to more adventures!
  • Wish you were here for me to spoil today.
  • Always thanking my lucky stars that you’re my person.
  • You’re my favorite part of every day.
  • I just love you SO! MUCH! UGH.
  • I couldn’t have picked a better person to give my heart to.
  • Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.
  • My heart is all yours.
  • Thanks for being you and for being mine.

So maybe mushy isn’t your style. That’s okay—love doesn’t always have to be expressed in a serious way. And to prove it, we’ve got lots of ideas for funny Valentine’s Day messages for you.

  • Don’t look down here for the mushy stuff. That’s what the card was for!
  • Somebunny loves you. Seriously. You’re very popular with rabbits.
  • Valentine’s Day with you beats my best ever! (For the record, that was in third grade when a kid gave us all full-size candy bars.)
  • You’re like the thing to my other thing that goes with that first thing! (I’m not great with words, obviously.)
  • Will you be wine? I love ya merlots.
  • It’s true, like for sure.
  • Valentine, guess what? Love your butt!
  • When should we start rosé-ing?
  • Wish you were here to Valenwhine with me. (Or you could write “Valenwine,” depending on your mood.)

Writing tips: Using the recipient’s nickname (or private pet name!) can instantly make a simple wish feel warmer and more personal.

For your significant other, you might decide to give more than one Valentine card…and write more than one personal message. If you go this route, consider giving a mix of serious, heartfelt and playful messages, delivered at different times of the day—tucked behind his toothbrush, left on the seat of her car, sent to his office, hand-delivered over a candlelit dinner…

If you’re married to your Valentine, consider including in your count all the Valentine’s Days you shared before tying the knot. Depending on how long you dated, it could make for a much bigger number than your anniversary count!

No matter what you say, use words that sound like you. If you are sincere and you are yourself, your card will be as meaningful as you want it to be.

Valentine messages for Longtime Love

Sometimes when you’ve loved each other for so long, it’s hard to think of something to write in a Valentine’s Day card! Let us help you out with these Valentine’s Day messages for longtime loves.

  • You’re my forever love and I’m so grateful.
  • You give my heart peace over and over again. I love you so much.
  • We’ve loved through it all, and that’s what makes me so proud of us.
  • Being part of us is the best thing I’ll ever be.
  • At the heart of it all, we’re friends. I love that. I love you.
  • It’s been a journey…one I’d do all over again.
  • You are my Valentine every day, in every way.
  • We’re growing old together with a love that’s forever young.
  • These days, most people can’t remember a time when we weren’t us. That’s a sweet, sweet thing.
  • You still make me laugh like crazy. That’s true love.
  • We’ve loved each other through good times, rough spots and life’s joys and sorrows. I’m so thankful for that.
  • From fledgling lovebirds to salty old crows, I love that we’ve never lost our sense of humor…or the magic that makes us, us.
  • There are so many wonderful reasons I love calling you Valentine.
  • Your kindness, your strength, the way you look at me with so much love…this is why you’re my Valentine.
  • Love you with all of my heart…and I’ve got a lot of heart!
  • Love our life. Love all the things we are together.

Valentine messages for Girlfriend

Need a sweet Valentine’s Day message for your girlfriend’s card? Yeah, we’ve got you. Whether you’ve been together for a few months or more than a year, we’re hoping you find something that shows her she has your heart.

  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my girl-way-more-than-friend.
  • You’re funny, sweet, smart AND hot?
  • Holy crap, I have really lucked out here.
  • A lot of people like to say they’ve found their soul mate. But I’m the one who’s right about it!
  • Just thinking about you as I sign this card is making me feel all mushy and romantic.
  • My “with you” times are the best part of any day.
  • You give me such a good feeling every time we’re together.
  • Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Let me tell you…
  • You’re everything I ever dreamed of in a woman.
  • I knew you were special when I met you. But day after day, you out-special yourself.
  • You make my heart go ahOOOgah.
  • I’m so proud to introduce you to EVERYONE. 
  • WOW, I’m glad we’re dating.
  • You’re the best girlfriend ever.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, Gorgeous.

Valentine messages for Boyfriend

Whether it’s your first Valentine’s Day with your boyfriend or your fifth, we’ve got lots of message ideas to let him know you’re still sweet on him.

  • I write your name over and over in the margins of my imaginary notebook.
  • I like you and I LIKE like you.
  • I still get butterflies.
  • I’m so glad you didn’t turn out to be a serial killer.
  • Lucky me to have a great guy like you in my life.
  • Love you. Can’t wait to show you how much. XOXOXO
  • Valentine’s Day used to suck before I found you.
  • Turns out you’re so much more than just hot! I’m still very impressed. 
  • I’m crazy about you.
  • How’d I end up with a total smokeshow like you?
  • Being with you is the best feeling there is.
  • You’re the kind of boyfriend I’m proud of.
  • My friends love you, and that says A LOT. 
  • You’re a real cutie-pie, you know that? 

When it comes to writing Valentine’s Day messages especially for family, Hallmark Senior Writer Mercedes Lucero has some super helpful, easy to apply tips that’ll help you make your message feel warm and personal.

Valentine messages for New Relationship or Dating

What do you write in a Valentine’s Day card when you’ve only been dating for a couple weeks? Have no fear, our writers are here with tons of inspiration for what to write in a Valentine’s Day card for new relationships.

  • Yay! We’re still dating!
  • I love spending time with you.
  • You bring out the better in me.
  • Thanks for reminding me how much fun dating is.
  • I’m so excited to be sharing our first Valentine’s Day together. I hope it’s the first of many…
  • And they say dating is supposed to be tough—you make it seem easy to me.
  • We’re not single today! Yay!
  • We’re kind of new at this Valentine thing, but I just want you to know how exciting you are to me and what a good time I have whenever I’m with you.
  • • I don’t know what’s next for us, but whatever it is, I can’t wait.
  • • I love where this Us thing is going.
  • • I’m excited for us.
  • • We’ve got something really good here. 

Valentine messages for Fiance

You might be waiting to walk down the aisle, but that doesn’t mean you have to hold off on expressing love! Here are a bunch of ideas for what to write in a Valentine’s Day card to your fiancé(e).

  • You’re def the best decision I ever made. =)
  • Love you!
  • Can’t wait to do “I do” with you.
  • My happily-ever-after has already started.
  • I can’t believe I get to marry you.
  • You’re my forever +1.
  • Yes, you have to be romantic today.
  • I can’t wait to marry you.
  • You’re my Hallmark movie ending.
  • We might not be official on paper yet, but we’re official in my heart.
  • You make life feel like a fairytale. 
  • You give me all the butterflies.

Valentine messages for Friends

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romantic love! Show your BFF—heck, make that all your buds—some sweetness with these Valentine’s Day messages for friends.

  • You’re exactly what friends are for.
  • Glad Palentine’s Day is a thing so I can wish you a happy one!
  • Thanks for being awesome in so many ways.
  • I’m so glad we can count on each other.
  • From your partner in crime.
  • Thanks for all your love and support.
  • It’s a day about love, and I totally love you, friend! 
  • If you wanna split a bottle of wine and big box of chocolate, I’m down. 
  • Who says Valentine’s Day is just for lovers? Annoying jerks, that’s who.
  • Our friend-love is so important to me.
  • Soul mates aren’t just a romantic thing. Thanks for being my friend soul mate.
  • Thanks for being the loyal and caring [friend] you are. Love you!
  • Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.
  • Happy Valentine’s to one of my favorite people. Ever.
  • Valentine’s Day and every day, I’m grateful for you.
  • Hope he/she spoils you. You deserve it.
  • Besties are the best dates.

Valentine messages for Singles

Being single on Valentine’s Day can be hard. Or it can be fun. Everyone’s journey is different. But whether they’re looking or have sworn to stay solo, we’ve got lots of ideas for what to write in a Valentine’s Day card for a single friend.

  • And the countdown to settling for each other continues.
  • Dunno, just felt right…love ya, was the point, I think.
  • Share some candy with you.
  • Hope your day brings just what you want it to.
  • Eat some heart-shaped candy and know that you’re loved. 
  • We got all the love we need. <3 
  • Cheers to a future with more first kisses and tummy butterflies.
  • I’ll raise an awesome Valentine’s cocktail to you.
  • I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day. Because you are.
  • Someday, our fairytale ending will come. Until then, there’s pizza.
  • Wish we could be together swapping chocolates and laughing over candy hearts like we used to.
  • Let’s send our condolences to all those couples who wish they were wild and free like us!
  • You can’t have Valentine’s Day without wine. Well, we can’t, anyway.
  • Date schmate. We’ve got booze!
  • Roses are red. Lovebirds are annoying. Where is the chocolate? Let’s start enjoying.
  • Who needs a Val date when you can have a Gal (or Pal) date?!

Writing tip: Don’t be afraid to go for a laugh. If your Valentine likes edgy or teasing humor, you already know it. If not, it’s almost always safe to make light of Valentine’s Day, yourself or love in general.

Valentine messages for Kids

Valentine’s Day can be so much fun for kids! Add some warm-and-fuzzies to their day with these cute messages for kids’ Valentine’s Day cards.

  • Hope you get a visit from the Valentine squirrel!
  • It takes 437 licks to get the words off a candy heart. You’re welcome.
  • Love you in a big way, little guy.
  • You make my whole life more heart filled. Love you!
  • I feel a little luckier every day to have a kid like you.
  • Couldn’t be prouder of you. Couldn’t love you more.
  • My heart is always full because of you.
  • You’re more than kinda the best and I’m more than kinda grateful.
  • It’s so sweet having a [daughter] like you. Hope your Valentine’s Day is extra sweet, too.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to one of our sweetest blessings.
  • We love you oodles and oodles, [Aidan]!
  • Hope your day is just as awesome as you are!
  • Sweet treats on Valentine’s Day help us remember to be sweet to each other. And you’re one of the sweetest kids ever!

Writing tip: Kids appreciate a good drawing—or even just a funny stick figure. Consider adding a few hearts, word balloons or other doodles around your signature. Looking for kid-to-kid messages for that classroom Valentine’s Day party? We have them right here!

Valentine messages for Grandkids  

You love to see them. You love to spoil them. And we are here for it! Give a little extra love to the little ones in your life with these ideas for what to write in a Valentine’s Day card for grandkids.

  • Love you lots! And lots! And lots! (And lots!)
  • Big virtual hug incoming! 
  • You’re sweeter than candy! And that’s really, really sweet!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest grandkid in the world!
  • Thanks for making my life way more fun.
  • It’s Candy and a Hug Day! So happy to share it with you!
  • Can’t wait to see about a hundred Valentine’s Day pictures of you.
  • They should name candy after you. That’s how sweet you are.
  • You made this family about a million percent better.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetheart.
  • Love you bunches and bunches.
  • Missing you and sending you a big Valentine hug!
  • Hope you get lots of fun treats today! XOXOXO,
  • U R 2 Cute!
  • Wishing a fantastic day to my favorite [8]-year-old Valentine!
  • Hope your day is filled with fun and your mouth is filled with chocolate!

Valentine messages for Family

Family is our first love. If you’re wanting to send a few words of affection to the people who’ve known you from day one, read these Valentine’s Day messages for family members and see if they inspire you! 

  • [Dad], I hope you’re feeling really loved today. You are!
  • Have fun on Valentine’s Day, and don’t eat too much candy.
  • Hope your day is filled with reminders of how much you’re loved.
  • As my [Mom]…as a friend…as a Valentine…you’re the best!
  • You make me laugh. You make me think. You make me really glad we’re [sisters].
  • Thanks for all you do that makes my life happier (which is a lot!).
  • Valentine’s Day is all about love, and [Bro], there is no one better than you at spreading God’s love wherever you go.
  • Eating a little chocolate cake in your honor, [Dad]. It’s not as good as yours, but it still brings back good memories of Valentine’s Days growing up!
  • Love you and miss you, [Mom]! Looking forward to seeing you next month at [Casey’s party]!

Writing tip: One Hallmark writer fondly remembers how his grandmother, who always sent valentines, would always choose a couple of words to underline. It seemed kind of random, but they would usually be part of a list of nice things about him. Consider emphasizing certain important words in your message—with underlining, all-caps…or maybe even bubble letters.

Valentine messages for Tough Times

Life’s struggles wait for nothing—not even Valentine’s Day. The good news? Your message of love and support feels all the more meaningful. Here are some ideas for Valentine’s Day messages for someone who’s going through it.

  •  “You’re loved every day, especially by me.”
  • “I don’t need Valentine’s Day to say how much I care about you.”
  • “You have an amazing heart. But you already know that!”
  • “I know this isn’t a good year, but you’re a good person, and I care so much about you.”
  • “Self-love is one of the greatest kinds of love out there. So treat yourself with kindness (and a lot of chocolate) today.”
  • “You’re brave and strong and I love that.”
  • “Today might be a tough day, but I’ll tough it out with you, Valentine.”
  • “I don’t love Valentine’s Day, but I love you. Thinking of you today.”
  • “A toast to all the independent ladies out there…especially you! You’re so loved and admired.”

Valentine messages from a Pet

  • “You’re the best pawrent ever and that’s why I love you!”
  • “You’re my favorite human to kiss!”
  • “Happy Valentine’s Day! Can we cuddle now?”
  • “Happy Valentine’s Day from your FURiend!”
  • “Grandpawrents are the sweetest! I’m so lucky you’re mine!”
  • “Can you TAIL how much I love you?”
  • “FURever family. FURever Valentines. That’s us!”
  • “Who’s a good dog mom? Who’s a good dog mom? Is it you? Yes it is! You are the best dog mom!”
  • “Today, can I fetch YOU a treat?”
  • “Hey, Human! Let’s have a ball today!”
  • “Dog dads are rad dads! Love you, Papa!”
  • “Who wants you to have a happy Valentine’s? MEOW!”
  • “My PURRfect Valentine is YOU!”
  • “I’ll be HISSterical if you won’t be mine!”
  • “Friends of a feather celebrate together! (That’s what a little birdie told me, anyway).”
  • “Let’s graze on treats all Valentine’s Day! Whad’ya say, Hooman?”
  • “On Valentine’s Day, I don’t give a HOOF what we do…as long as I have YOU!”

Warm closings

A warm closing before your signature is like the bow on top of your valentine message. Choose one of ours, or come up with one of your own.

Friends & family

  • Warmly,
  • Love,
  • With love,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Much love to you,

Romantic love

  • All my love,
  • Love you,
  • All yours,
  • Forever yours,
  • Endlessly,
  • Passionately,
  • Truly,
  • Gratefully,
  • All my heart,
  • Always and forever,
  • Hugs and kisses,
  • Kisses,
  • Under your spell,
  • Mmmmwah,
  • With all my love on Valentine’s Day and always,

What to Write in a Valentine's Day Card - How to Sign

  • Tags:
  • Celebrate
  • Connect
  • greeting card messages

Keely Chace is a Hallmark Master Writer who loves reading, running and spending time with her husband and daughters. She shares writing tips in her «What to Write» series on Hallmark & Community.

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When February 14 comes around, it’s time to say «Happy Valentine’s Day!» But how do you say it in a way that shows you really put some thought into it? Here we give you 95 Happy Valentine’s Day messages to share with the special people in your life.

Maybe you are searching for the words to express your feelings for your spouse of decades, or a new boyfriend or girlfriend who you really, really like. Perhaps you just want to send a quick text to a friend or family member. Whether it’s a text, a note, a card from the drugstore, or a DIY Valentine’s Day card, you’re sure to find just the right short message here.

If you want to say a little bit more, personalize it by adding what you value most about them, sharing a favorite memory, or working in an inside joke between the two of you. If you say it from the heart, the words will flow.

Still looking for more inspiration? Check out this list of poetic love quotes (including some of our favorites from romantic movies and songs), or if you want to make them laugh, look over these funny Valentine’s Day quotes. Many of these messages can double as great fodder for Valentine’s Day captions for Instagram to post with one of your favorite photos of you two together.

Here’s to making Valentine’s Day 2024 extra special with these messages!

Short & Sweet Happy Valentine’s Day Messages

heart, gift, and white letters spelling happy valentine's day on pink surface encircled by red dots arranged in spoke patternpinterest

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«I love you the most.»

  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my ride or die.
  • My favorite love story is ours.
  • To the only person I would share my snacks with.
  • I love you the most.
  • We go together like hot sauce and everything.
  • I love you even when I’m hungry.
  • There’s never a dull moment when I’m with you.
  • Home is wherever I’m with you.
  • We have a forever type of love.
  • To my valentine, Loving you is easy.
  • Valentine, you occupy my heart.

Romantic Love Quotes for Valentine’s Day Messages

  • “And if the stars should ever die, we’ll make our own light, you and I.”
    —John Mark Green
  • «In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking about you.» —Virginia Woolf
  • «Hand on the Bible, don’t know how I got you. But I couldn’t ask for more.» — Kane and Katelyn Brown
  • «You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.» —Jewel
  • «I got you babe.» —Sonny and Cher
  • «Love is friendship that has caught on fire.» —Ann Landers
  • «I look at every day with you as a gift.» —Rip Wheeler, Yellowstone

Valentine’s Day Messages for Boyfriends

couple sitting in the grasspinterest


«To my valentine, the only person I send heart eye emojis to.»

  • You win the best boyfriend award 🏆. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life.
  • I love you more than pizza.
  • Here’s to being my emergency contact someday.
  • You’re my everything. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peel-ing.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, handsome.
  • You’re the only person I send heart eye emojis to.
  • Valentine, you take my breath away, every single day.
  • It’s just one day in the year, but you should know that I love you every day and every moment.
  • The more time we spend together, the more we fall in love with each other. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day Messages for Girlfriends

Valentines Day Wishes Messages Girlfriendpinterest

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«Every love song is about you.»

  • Happy Valentine’s Day, Hot Stuff 🔥❤️
  • To my valentine—I never knew what love was until I met you.
  • Know why I have a library card? Because I’m checkin’ you out.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the most beautiful woman I know.
  • I love you, and I love us.
  • You take my breath away. Always.
  • You’re the Pam to my Jim.
  • Every love song is about you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the most important woman in my life.
  • I never liked Valentine’s Day, and then I met you and I understood what it was all about.

Valentine’s Day Messages for Husbands

Valentines Day Wishes Husbandspinterest

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«This will definitely be a kids-in-bed-early kind of night. XOXOXO»

  • When I said «I do,» I thought it was impossible to love you more. I was wrong. I love you more every day.
  • You are my happily ever after.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I am so glad you are mine.
  • Thank you for bringing so much love, joy, and adventure into my life. I love you.
  • You still make me laugh. You still give me butterflies. And I’m still falling for you every single day. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I’m so lucky to be in love with my best friend.
  • Through all the seasons, through all of time… I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • «Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.» —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • This will definitely be a kids-in-bed-early kind of night. XOXOXO
  • When we met, I knew I wanted to spend every single Valentine’s Day with you. You’re my rock and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • To my hubby on this Valentine’s Day, I’m yours forever.
  • To another Valentine’s Day spent with the love of my life, and to many more.

Valentine’s Day Messages for Wives

Valentines Day Wishes Messages Wifepinterest

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«Thanks for being you and for being mine.»

  • I love you more than you’ll ever know. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I would choose you again and again. Happy Valentine’s Day to the woman of my dreams.
  • You’re the reason I am who I am today. Thank you for everything you do for our family. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!
  • You are my best friend, my partner, and my soulmate. I love you.
  • Thanks for being you and for being mine.
  • What would I do without you by my side? Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life.
  • To the most amazing woman who I am lucky enough to call my wife, Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Every day I wake up next to you feels like Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day Messages for Friends

Valentines Day Wishes Messages Friendspinterest

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«Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all the love and happiness you deserve.»

  • You’re my best bud 🌸.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my sister from another mister.
  • You’re my best friend and my partner in crime. Thank you so much for being you.
  • I love you, friend, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food, and especially good friends like you.
  • Thank you for standing by my side through thick and thin, my forever friend.
  • I can’t think of anyone to whom I’d rather be toasting on Valentine’s Day than a friend like you. I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all the love and happiness you deserve.
  • To my best friend this Valentine’s Day, I couldn’t ask for someone who loves and supports me more than you do.

Valentine’s Day Messages for Kids

child holding a large glittery red paper heart with a cutout center that frames her face, she smiles adorablypinterest

manonallard//Getty Images

«Hope your day is filled with chocolate, sweet treats, and so much love.»

  • What did one watermelon say to the other? You’re one in a melon! Happy Valentine’s Day to a one-in-a-million kid.
  • You are my sunshine. Happy Valentine’s Day, kiddo!
  • «I love you right up to the moon—and back.» —To the Moon and Back by Sam McBratney
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to a sweet daughter/son! I love you so much.
  • Sending you a big Valentine’s Day hug.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember not to eat too much candy—you’re sweet enough already.
  • Hope your day is filled with fun and chocolate!
  • You make me laugh and smile every day. I love you!
  • Hope your day is filled with chocolate, sweet treats, and so much love.
  • Wishing a special Valentine’s Day to a very special kid!

Valentine’s Day Messages for Family

two grownup daughters kissing their mom's cheeks, mom holds a rose, elderly father stands behind them smilingpinterest

bojanstory//Getty Images

«Who needs Valentine’s Day when your family is this awesome?»

  • To the best mom/dad/parents/etc., thank you for filling my world with love from day 1.
  • As long as I have family, my heart will always be full. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Who needs Valentine’s Day when your family is this awesome?
  • Now that I’m grownup, do I get to set a Valentine’s Day curfew for you guys? JK. Love you.

Valentine’s Day Puns with Emojis for Text Messages

paint roller rolling out a strip of paint, but the paint is actually rows and rows of pastel candy conversation heartspinterest

Juj Winn//Getty Images

Do you text all day in emojis? These Valentine’s Day puns are perfect for your texts on February 14.

  • 🦉 always love you. (Owl always love you.)
  • Will you 🐝 my valentine? (Will you be my valentine?)
  • I 🐢-ly love you. (I turt-ally love you.)
  • You 🐙 🐙 my heart. (You octopi my heart.)
  • All my love to my 🦌 valentine. (All my love to my deer valentine.)
  • I’m not 🦁: You’re the love of my life. (I’m not lion: You’re the love of my life.)
  • No 🐇 compares to you, valentine. (No bunny compares to you, valentine.)
  • I love 🐑 (I love ewe.)
  • I simply 🍩 know what I’d do without you, valentine. (I simply donut know what I’d do without you, valentine.)
  • You got a 🍕 my heart. (You got a pizza my heart.)
  • 🫒 you so much. (Olive you so much.)
  • I only have 🍟 for you. (I only have fries for you.)

Top 5 Love Quotes to Share with Everyone on Valentine’s Day

Personalize one of these quotes using this format: «[Name] said it best: [Quote]. Wishing you all the love in the world. Happy Valentine’s Day.»

  • «Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces.” —Rumi
  • “All you need is love.» —The Beatles
  • «Love recognizes no barriers.» —Maya Angelou
  • «All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.» —Charles M. Schulz
  • «Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.»— Mother Teresa

Headshot of Erin Cavoto

Erin Cavoto is the Editorial Assistant at ThePioneerWoman.com, covering food, holidays, home decor, and more.


Terri Robertson is the Senior Editor, Digital, at Country Living, where she shares her lifelong love of homes, gardens, down-home cooking, and antiques. 

We’ve all been there: You have everything prepared to make a delicious dinner for two and bought the perfect Valentine’s Day gifts for your sweetheart. (Flowers and jewelry, anyone?) You’ve even gone as far as to make a DIY Valentine’s Day card to go with it all. But now, you’re just staring at a blank space, pen poised, wondering how you’ll ever fit all of your feelings into just a few words.

Whether you’re filling out a card for your significant other or letting your friends know how much you love them, you’re always left wondering what to write in a Valentine’s Day card. That’s why we’re helping you put pen to paper with a plethora of happy Valentine’s Day wishes that you can copy or tweak to fit your needs. Write a sentimental note full of romantic Valentine’s Day quotes and love messages for your partner, then seal it with a kiss! There’s also cute Galentine’s Day quotes that you can send to all of your besties and love quotes for your dearest family members. We’ve even included some funny Valentine’s Day quotes that are sure to make anyone smile.

So, if you’re at a loss for words, just read on to get some inspiration for what to write in a Valentine’s Day card! Whoever is on the receiving end will feel so loved and appreciated when they open your heartfelt, handwritten message. And that’s what February 14 is all about!

Cute Valentine’s Day Messages

what to write in a valentines card

spukkato//Getty Images
  • Valentine’s Day is all about love, so I’m sending some of mine to you.
  • Cupid called. He said stop being cuter than him.
  • Have the happiest heart day ever!
  • The best things in life are better with you. Happy V-Day!
  • You are so loved; I hope you feel that today and every day!
  • To the best mom/dad/brother/sister, thank you for filling my world with love.
  • Happy Galentine’s Day to my bff. Wishing you a love-filled day.
  • You never fail to give me butterflies. I love you, baby!
  • I can’t believe I got you as a Valentine again this year. XOXO.
  • May this Valentine’s Day bring all the love your heart can hold!
  • I love you more than any candy heart could ever say.
  • I couldn’t ask for a better Valentine’s Day gift than you!
  • Every love story is beautiful, but ours is definitely my favorite.
  • Thanks for being my forever Valentine! I love you so much!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day from your not-so-secret admirer.
  • As long as I have family, my heart will always be full. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I’ll take any excuse to say «I love you» to the people who matter most. For me, that’s you! Love you lots!
  • Cupid hit the nail, and I couldn’t be happier! Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.
  • Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all the love and happiness you deserve.

Romantic Valentine’s Day Messages

what to write in a valentines card

Tetra Images//Getty Images
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life. I love you more than words can express.
  • Valentine’s Day is just one day of the year, but you should know that I love you every day and every moment. Take my love today and always!
  • Thank you for being you and thank you for being mine.
  • To my favorite person this Valentine’s Day, I couldn’t ask for someone who loves and supports me more than you do.
  • I’m still falling for you every single day. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Here’s to another Valentine’s Day spent with the love of my life—and to many more. I can’t wait for forever with you.
  • You’re the reason I am who I am today. Thank you for everything you do. I love you so much!
  • Again and again, I would choose you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to my darling wife/husband. You are the most amazing person and I am truly fortunate to be your partner in life.
  • I could celebrate you every day of the year. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day—you’re my happily-ever-after.
  • Thank you for all the good you’ve brought to my life! Let’s celebrate us.
  • Another Valentine’s Day growing older with you is always my greatest pleasure. I can’t wait for so many more.
  • I love waking up with you, my soulmate, each and every morning! You make every day feel like Valentine’s Day.
  • My favorite place in the world is next to you. I’m yours forever, baby!
  • I hope you know how special you are to me. You’re my rock and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • We’ve shared so many happy Valentine’s Days, and there are still many more to come! Wishing a very Happy Valentine’s Day to the best husband/wife in the world.

Funny Valentine’s Day Messages

what to write in a valentines card

angelinast//Getty Images
  • Sorry this card is late, I was trying to catch the February 15th chocolate sales!
  • Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food, and especially good friends like you!
  • You’re sweeter than any heart-shaped box of chocolates.
  • If this card could talk, it would say, «Get me out of this envelope!» And then it would say, «Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you!»
  • Who needs a valentine when I have a best friend like you?
  • All the heart eye emojis for you today and always!
  • I’m so thankful to have found someone as weird as me. Love you!
  • Thanks for putting up with me all this time, and I’m sorry to say it might be quite a while longer. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I love you more than [insert favorite food here].
  • You are so lucky to have me—and vice versa, I guess!
  • Thanks for being my emergency contact!
  • We’ve been friends for so long that we’re basically married! Love you, bestie.

    Kid-Friendly Valentine’s Day Messages

    what to write in a valentines card

    mediaphotos//Getty Images
    • Wishing the best Valentine’s Day to a very special kid!
    • Sending big hugs and smooches your way.
    • Happy Valentine’s Day to a sweet [daughter/son]. I love you so much.
    • You’re my most favorite love bug in the whole wide world!
    • Happy «Eat-a-Ton-of-Chocolate Day» to you!
    • You make me laugh and smile every day, little one. I love you.
    • Roses are red. Violets are blue. You’re my Valentine’s Day sweetie, and I’ll always love you!
    • Remember, you’re sweet enough even before you gobble up all of this candy.
    • You are my sunshine. Happy Valentine’s Day, kiddo!
    • You are always on my mind and in my heart, dearest son/daughter! Here’s to you.

    Valentine’s Day Quotes

    what to write in a valentines card

    ilona titova//Getty Images
    • «All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.» —Charles M. Schulz
    • «In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking about you.» —Virginia Woolf
    • «Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.» —Franklin P. Jones
    • «We loved with a love that was more than love.» —Edgar Allan Poe
    • «For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.» —Stephanie Perkins
    • «Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.» —Emily Bronte
    • «The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.» —Nat King Cole
    • «The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.» —Audrey Hepburn
    • «If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.» —Alfred Tennyson
    • «Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.» —Elinor Glyn
    • «In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.» —Maya Angelou
    • «My heart is and always will be yours.» —Jane Austen

    Headshot of Macie Reynolds

    Macie Reynolds is the assistant editor of E-Commerce and SEO for The Pioneer Woman.

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